Hi there! This post gonna be written in English and Portuguese, that's because it's a way to promote the Portuguese Magazine Wir Sind Hier and also the site. So, a post only to Tokio Hotel fans eheh This idea was from some my friends and they told me to, please, advertise it here in my blog so, here I am =) This site & magazine are made exclusively from fans to fans, without any kind of profits. All photos belong to Tokio Hotel and Universal Music. All subjects exposed here have no offensive order, it's a funny way to see things. This project is not connected with the band neither with their managers! The WSH Magazine was born from other idea ( Monsun Fanzine ). It is not a copy, but an attempt to bring to the Portuguese Fandom something essentially written in our mother tongue. To know more about this amazing idea, to do the download from the magazine and other stuff you only have to click here . Have fun! * * * Olá! Este post vai ser escrito em Inglês e Português, is...